Embarked on a journey through the imaginative minds of fan-game cover creators, where victory was achieved by deciphering pixelated mysteries. You emerged triumphant, showcasing your prowess in unveiling the unique narratives concealed within each blocky design. Paused for a moment and appreciated the artistry of your fellow gamers. You weren't just a player; you were a champion in the realm of pixelated storytelling.
Thank you for playing! See you next week for a new weekly mode!
NOTE: People's choice is a week in which Gamedle players have proposed their favorite games for the whole community to guess. This week is: "Fun singleplayers" by Dawnyyawn
Try to guess the videogame in less than 4 attempts!
Red: The game is incorrect.
Yellow: The game shares the same FRANCHISE, but not the same saga.
Green: The game shares the same FRANCHISE and SAGA.
Confirmation required!
You are about to use a one-time clue for this run. When you activate it, it will show you: Release year, platforms, genres and a new tile. Are you sure you want to continue?