You have mastered the art of strategic thinking in the realm of turn-based gaming. With each carefully calculated move, you've outwitted your opponents, claimed victory, and proven your tactical prowess. Now, take a moment to savor the sweet taste of triumph. But remember, the next challenge awaits, and your strategic genius will shine once again.
Thank you for playing! See you next week for a new weekly mode!
NOTE: Games that are turn-based or have turn-based battles.
Try to guess the videogame in less than 4 attempts!
Red: The game is incorrect.
Yellow: The game shares the same FRANCHISE, but not the same saga.
Green: The game shares the same FRANCHISE and SAGA.
Confirmation required!
You are about to use a one-time clue for this run. When you activate it, it will show you: Release year, platforms, genres and a new tile. Are you sure you want to continue?